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From left to right: 马修·沃森、凯伦·哈德威克、安吉拉·桑顿、梅尔文·赖特法官和迈尔斯·林克

D.C. 3月15日,酒吧在总部举办了一场晚间招待会,邀请了25年前发起青年法律博览会的许多人士.

与D的合作.C. 高等法院, 一年一度的青少年法律博览会通过参加模拟审判,为当地的初高中学生提供了一个真实的法庭程序视角, 陪审员, 检察官, 辩护澳博app, 和 witnesses under the guidance of D.C. 法官和D.C. 酒吧里的成员.

高等法院首席法官Anita Josey-Herring在招待会上向与会者发表讲话.C. 酒吧 President Charles Lowery’s recent   in 华盛顿澳博app, titled “We Can’t Hit Pause on Diversity.乔西-赫林表示,这是一份支持继续推进多样性努力的重要声明, 股本, 在DEI项目面临越来越多反对声音的时候. 她把洛厄里的专栏和她最近在乔治城大学法律中心RISE项目上发表演讲的经历联系起来, which supports first-generation law students.

“社会是不平等的,生活是不公平的,”乔西-赫林引用她在乔治敦大学的讲话说. “有些人比其他有曝光或支持的人更有优势, 对于机构来说,为没有优势的人提供额外的支持是很重要的.”

“美妙之处在于,这些年轻人得到了支持,正在茁壮成长. That’s what you should take away from this. 他们不必为有一个特别项目而道歉,”首席法官继续说道.


Lowery exp和ed upon this theme in his own remarks. “这个项目的重要性在于教育我们的年轻人他们的公民权利和责任, [giving them] an underst和ing of our judicial system, 和, 更广泛地说, how society works under the rule of law. That’s more important than ever today in our society,” he said.

洛厄里对出席青年法律博览会的一些主要推动者表示了感谢, including 高等法院 Senior Judge Melvin R. 莱特, for whom the annual event has been renamed; 安吉拉·桑顿, chief advancement officer at the Center for Children 和 Young Adults in Georgia; 凯伦西恩, Washington Gas和WGL Holdings的高级副总裁兼总法律顾问, 公司.; Myles Lynk, emeritus professor at the S和ra Day O’Connor College of Law in Arizona; 和 Matthew Watson, former administrative judge with the Contract Appeals 董事会.

Hardwick 和 Watson were cochairs of the D.C. 酒吧 District of Columbia Affairs Section (now Community), which conceived of the fair 和 organized the first event. 桑顿 was part of the section’s steering committee.

桑顿, 谁在她的职业生涯中一直参与儿童福利, recalled the contributions of several figures, 包括前D.C. Court of Appeals Chief Judge Annice M. Wagner 和 attorney Curtis Etherly Jr.他于2018年去世.

哈德威克在霍根澳博app事务所担任澳博app期间参与了青年法律博览会的创建 & Hartson (now Hogan Lovells LLP). 当时, 她说, the launch of the event didn’t seem extraordinary, but what developed from their efforts exceeded expectation.

林克,前医学博士.C. 澳博app协会主席,在他的任期内对建立青年法律交易会起到了重要作用. “首届博览会于2000年举办,从那时起就开始蓬勃发展. But in order for a plane to take off, you've first got to have an airport, you've got to clear the underbrush, you've got to clear a runway, 和 that's what we did in 1996 to 1997,林克说.

D.C. 当时的澳博app事务所领导层大多来自具有全国视野的大公司, Lynk说, 因此,多年来,为了让澳博app协会支持当地的一个项目,向年轻人传播法律意识,我们付出了很多努力. “I do remember that first event; it was a very low-key event. 这是一个非常初级的项目,我们很高兴能这样做。. “At that point I was past 酒吧 president, 我最大的贡献是争取到了大型澳博app事务所的支持.”

沃森仍然清楚地记得2000年5月1日法律日在户外举行的第一届青年法律博览会. “It didn’t have the palatial accommodations of the court. 当时的地点现在是一个执法纪念馆,”沃森回忆说. “我们有两个顾虑. 第一个担心是天气会很干燥,我们会遇到沙尘暴. The second concern was that it would be wet 和 entirely muddy. Fortunately, the weather was good that first year.”

During his early years on the bench, 赖特法官说,他注意到的一件事是,年轻人只有在被捕时才对法庭有所了解, 起诉, 或定罪. “They knew nothing about what lawyers did, 法官是怎么做的, or what probation officers did,赖特说. 青少年法律公平会为地区青少年提供机会,让他们在积极的环境中了解司法制度, 莱特说.

赖特为D鼓掌.C. 酒吧和D.C. 高等法院’s willingness to contend with serious issues, including those involving drugs, 帮派, 性虐待, 约会强奸, 和, 今年的主题, 劫车. “We always picked a topic that was in the news, 他们听说过, 和 we wanted to hear from them what they thought about it,赖特说. “这有助于我们理解他们的想法,并与他们建立联系. And, the thought was, it would also help them to underst和 us.”

洛厄里向出席会议的创始人颁发了一个小雕像,以纪念该计划成立25周年. 你可以阅读更多关于创建青年法律博览会在 最新一期 of 华盛顿澳博app 杂志.

